Prof. Dr. Gerald Kirchner
Foto: Markus Kohler
Leiter des ZNF
Tel.: +49 40 42838-2870
E-Mail: Gerald.Kirchner[at]
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
Diplom-Physiker (1978, Univ. Münster, experimentelle Atomphysik)
Dr. rer. nat. in Physik (1986, Univ. Bremen, Reaktorphysik)
Habilitation, Umweltphysik (1998, Univ. Bremen)
Beruflicher Werdegang:
Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter, Univ. Bremen (1987-1992)
Wissenschaftl. Assistent, Univ. Bremen (1992-1998)
Leiter der Landesmeßstelle für Radioaktivität, Univ. Bremen (1992-2001)
Privatdozent Univ. Bremen (seit 1998)
Mitglied der Strahlenschutzkommission (1999-2001)
Leiter des Fachbereichs “Angewandter Strahlenschutz“–seit 2003 “Strahlenschutz und Umwelt“–des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (2001-2012)
Mitglied der Expertenkommission zur Frage der Gefährdung durch Strahlung in früheren Radareinrichtungen der Bundeswehr und der NVA des Deutschen Bundestages (“Radarkommission“), Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Dosisrekonstruktion Gastprofessor an der Universität Salzburg, Institut für Physik und Biophysik (2001, 2003/2004)
Mitglied des United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation–UNSCEAR (2000-2013)
Leiter des Carl-Friedrich-von-Weizsäcker Zentrum für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung der Universität Hamburg (seit 2012)
Strahlenschutz, Kernstrahlungsmesstechnik, CBRN-Gefahrenabwehr, Simulationen des Neutronen-und Photonentransports
Ausgewählte Publikationen (seit 2010)
Ciecior,W.; Röhling,K.J.; Kirchner,G.
Probabilistic biosphere modeling for the long-term safety assessment of geological disposal facilities for radioactive waste using first- and second- order Monte Carlo simulation
J. Environ. Radioactivity, 190-191, 10-19 (2018)
Lindborg, T.; Thorne, M.; Andersson, E.; Becker, J.; Brandefelt, J.; Cabianca, T.; Gunia, M.; Ikonen, A.T.K.; Johansson, E.; Kangasniemi, V.; Kautsky, U.; Kirchner, G.;Klos, R.; Kowe, R.; Kontula, A.; Kupiainen, P.; Lahdenperä, A.-M.; Lord, N.S.; Lunt, D.J.; Näslund, J.-O.; Nordén, M. ; Norris, S.; Pérez-Sánchez, D.; Proverbio, A.; Riekki,K.; Rübel, A.; Sweeck, L.; Walke, R.; Xu, S.; Smith, G.; Pröhl, G.
Climate change and landscape development in post-closure safety assessment of solid radioactive waste disposal: Results of an initiative of the IAEA
J. Environ. Radioactivity, 183, 41-53 (2018)
Felsberg, A.; Ross, O.; Schlosser, C.; Kirchner, G.
Simulating the mesoscale transport of krypton-85
J. Environ. Radioactivity, 181, 85-93 (2018)
Deumlich, D.; Jha, A.; Kirchner, G.
Comparing measurments, the 7Be radiotracer technique and a process based erosion model for estimating short-term soil loss from cultivated land in Northern Germany
Soil & Water Res., 12, 177-186 (2017)
Gerald Kirchner, Stefan Oeter
Technical Limits of Verification and Their Implications for Treaty Design
Black-Brunch, J.L.; Fleck,D. (Hrsg.) Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law II: Verification and Compliance, 167-186 (2016), Verlag: T.M.C. Asser Press, Den Haag
Malte Göttsche, Gerald Kirchner
Improving neutron multiplicity counting for the spatial dependence of multiplication: Results for spherical plutonium samples
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 798, 99-106 (2015)
Russell C. Walke, Gerald Kirchner, Shulan Xu, Björn Dverstorp
Post-closure biosphere assessment modelling: comparison of complex and more stylised models
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 148, 50-58 (2015)
Postelt, F.; Zeiser, F.; Kirchner, G.
Analytical estimate of high energy gamma-ray emissions from neutron induced reactions in U-235, U-238, Pu-239 and Pu-240
ESARDA Bulletin, 52, 25-34 (2015)
Abhinand Jha, Uwe Schkade, Gerald Kirchner
Estimating short-termsoil erosion rates after single and multiple rainfall events by modelling vertical distribution of cosmogenic 7Be in soils
Geoderma 243-244, 149-156 (2015)
Pittauerová, D.; Kirchner, G.; Garbe-Schönberg, D.; Herut, B.; Nishri, A.; Fischer, H.W.
Radionuclides and recent sedimentation and mixing rates in Northern Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba, Red Sea
J. Mar. Sys., 139, 1-8 (2014)
Göttsche, M.; Kirchner, G.
Measurement techniques for warhead authentification with attributes: Advantages and Limitations
Science & Global Security, 22, 83-110 (2014)
Chaison, K.; Smith, J.T.; Bossew, P.; Kirchner, G.; Laptev, G.
Worldwide isotope ratios of the Fukushima release and early-phase external dose reconstruction
Nature Scientific Reports, 3, Article no. 2520, DOI: 10.1038/srep0250 (2013)
Kirchner, G.
Establishing reference inventories of 137Cs for soil erosion studies: methodological aspects
Geoderma, 211-212, 107-115 (2013)
Gering, F.; Gerich, B.; Wirth, E.; Kirchner, G.
Potential Consequences of the Fukushima accident for off-site nuclear emergency management: A case study for Germany
Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 155, 146-154 (2013)
Braig, E.; Mayr, C.; Kirchner, G.; Hofmann, A.; Raeder, U.; Melzer, A.
Fifty years of eutriphication and lake restoration reflected in sedimentary carbon and nitrogen isotopes of a small, hardwater lake (South Germany)
J. Limnol., 72, 262-279 (2013)
Philipp Theuring, Michael Rode, Stefan Behrens, Gerald Kirchner, Abhinand Jha
Identification of fluvial sediment sources in the Kharaa River catchment, Northern Mongolia
Hydrological Processes 27, 845-856 (2013)
Gerald Kirchner, Peter Bossew, Marc De Cort
Radioactivity from Fukushima Dai-ichi in air over Europe; part 2: what can it tell us about the accident
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 114, 35-40 (2012)
Peter Bossew, Gerald Kirchner, Marc De Cort, G. de Vries, A. Nishev, L. de Felice
Radioactivity from Fukushima Dai-ichi in air over Europe; part 1: spatio-temporal analysis
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 114, 22-34 (2012)
Kirchner, G.
210Pb as a tool for establishing sediment geochronologies: Examples of potentials and
limitations of conventional dating models
J. Environ. Radioactivity, 102, 490-494 (2011)
Slavomír Nehyba, Daniel Nývlt, Uwe Schkade, Gerald Kirchner, Eva Francu
Depositional rates and dating techniques of modern deposits in the Brno reservoir (Czech Republic) during the last 70 years
Journal of Paleolimnology 45, 41-55 (2011)
Nisbet, A; Rochford, H.; Cabinanca, T.; Oudiz, A.; Kirchner, G.; Hoffmann, M.; Bertsch,V.; Merz, M.; Carlé, B.; Turcanu, C.; Sohier, A.; Camps, J.; Olyslaegers, O.
Generic guidance on the lifting of countermeasures
Radioprotection, 45, S39-S46 (2010)
Nisbet, A; Brown, J.; Howard, B.J.; Beresford, N.A.; Ollagnon, H.; Turcanu, C.; Camps,J.; Andersson, K.; Rantavaara, A.; Ikaheimonen, T.; Duranova, T; Oughton, D; Kirchner,G..; Papachristodoulou, C.; Ioannides, K.; Kwakman, P.
Decision aiding handbooks for managing contaminated food production systems, drinking water and inhabited areas in Europe
Radioprotection, 45, S23-S37 (2010)
Baldacci, E.; Gattavecchia, E.; Kirchner, G.
Observations and modelling of thoron and its progeny in the soil - atmosphere - plant system
J. Environ. Radioactivity, 101, 992-1001 (2010)