For a more detailed search please click here. |
2018 | |
Simulating the mesoscale transport of krypton-85 Felsberg, A.; Ross, O.; Schlosser, C.; Kirchner, G. |
2017 | |
Comparing measurments, the 7Be radiotracer technique and a process based erosion model for estimating short-term soil loss from cultivated land in Northern Germany Deumlich, D.; Jha, A.; Kirchner, G. |
Identifying civil Xe-emissions: from source to receptor Bollhöfer, A.; De Meutter, P.; Gubernator, F.; Deconninck, B.; Schlosser, C.; Stöhlker, U.; Kirchner, G.; Strobl, C.; Delcloo, A.; Camps, J. CTBT: Science and Technology 2017 Conference, Wien, 26. - 30. 6. 2017 |
Technical challenges and solutions within the International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV) Tagziria, H.; Kirchner, G.; Mazabraud, P. In: Sevini, F.; De Luca, A.; Stringa, E. (Eds.) ESARDA 39th Annual Meeting, Düsseldorf, 16. - 18. 5. 2017 European Commission, Report EUR 28795 EN, S. 345-353 |
Stand und geplante Neuerungen der ATTA (Atom Trap Trace Analysis) an der Universität Hamburg Göring, F.; Kohler, M.; Sieveke, C.; Woelk, P.; Hebel, S.; Sahling, P.; Kirchner, G.; Becker, C.; Sengstock, K. 81. Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Münster, 27. - 31. 3. 2017 |
535 | Herbicide resistance and biodiversity: agronomic and environmental aspects of genetically modified herbicide-resistant plants Gesine Schütte, Michael Eckerstorfer, Valentina Rastelli, Wolfram Reichenbecher, Sara Restrepo-Vassalli, Marja Ruohonen-Lehto, Anne-Gabrielle Wuest Saucy, Martha Mertens Environmental Sciences Europe (2017) 29:5 Springer Berlin Heidelberg |
534 | Eine Welt ohne Chemiewaffen? Herausforderungen für das CWÜ Mirko Himmel, Gesine Rempp, Volkmar Vill Wissenschaft & Frieden (2) 52-55 (2017) |
2016 | |
533 | Can everyone help verify the bioweapons convention? Perhaps, via open source monitoring Gunnar Jeremias, Mirko Himmel Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 72, 412-417 (2016) |
532 | Open Source Tools for the Assessment of Compliance with the BWC Mirko Himmel, Gunnar Jeremias 15th Medical Biodefense Conference, München 26.-29.04.2016 (2016) |
531 | Re-examination of 137Cs depth profiles in undisturbed soils in Northern Germany A. Anesiadou, P. Kaiser, Gerald Kirchner, M. E. Souti, H. W. Fischer 2nd Int. Conf. on Radioecological Concentration Processes, Sevilla, 6.-9.11.2016, Abstract 120 (2016) |
530 | Partitionierung und Transmutation: Ein attraktiver Weg zur Behandlung abgebrannter Kernbrennstoffe? Gerald Kirchner, Matthias Englert, Christoph Pistner 80. Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Regensburg, 6.-11.3.2016, AGA 5.1 (2016) |
529 | Partitionierung und Transmutation (P&T): Auswirkungen wesentlicher Systemparameter auf die Effizienz von P&T-Szenarien Christoph Pistner, Matthias Englert, Gerald Kirchner 80. Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Regensburg, 6.-11.3.2016, AGA 5.2 (2016) |
528 | Kritische Massen von Transuranen aus Leichtwasserreaktor-Brennelementen Erik Buhmann, Gerald Kirchner 80. Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Regensburg, 6.-11.3.2016, AGA 5.4 (2016) |
527 | A compact set-up for measuring radioxenon concentrations in the stack releases of nuclear facilities F. Gubernator, Gerald Kirchner, U. Stohlker, A. Bollhöfer, B. Deconninck, T. Dieudonne CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Workshop on Signatures of Man-Made Isotope Production (WOSMIP VI), Bariloche 28.11.-2.12.2016 (2016) |
526 | The impact of power reactor noble gas retention systems on discriminating xenon release of nuclear tests and nuclear reactors A. Heise, Gerald Kirchner CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Workshop on Signatures of Man-Made Isotope Production (WOSMIP VI), Bariloche 28.11.-2.12.2016 (2016) |
525 | Characterisation of bacterial volatile compounds as biomarkers for species identification and metabolic profiling [Abstract] Mirko Himmel, Michaela Schafberg, Sascha Rohn, Wolfgang Streit International Journal of Medical Microbiology 306 (Suppl. 1) 63-63 (135/DVP) (2016) (68th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM)) |
524 | Education in Biosecurity & Dual Use Issues in the Life Sciences: Promoting Awareness Raising and Self-Governance within the Scientific Community Mirko Himmel International Journal of Medical Microbiology 306 (Suppl. 1) 76-76 (160/KMP) (2016) (68th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM)) |
523 | Spotlight on Syria's biological weapons Gunnar Jeremias, Mirko Himmel, Tomisha Bino, Jakob Hersch Armscontrolwonk 08.02.2016 (2016) (Gastbeitrag im Blog) |
522 | Technical Limits of Verification and Their Implications for Treaty Design Gerald Kirchner, N.N. -/- Herausgeber: Jonathan L. Black-Branch, Dieter Fleck Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law II: Verification and Compliance, 167-186 (2016), Verlag: T.M.C. Asser Press, Den Haag |
2015 |
521 | Analytical estimate of high energy γ-ray emissions from neutron induced reactions in U-235, U-238, Pu-239 and Pu-240 Frederik Postelt, Fabio Zeiser, Gerald Kirchner ESARDA Bulletin 52, 25-34 (2015) |
520 | Estimating short-termsoil erosion rates after single and multiple rainfall events by modelling vertical distribution of cosmogenic 7Be in soils Abhinand Jha, Uwe Schkade, Gerald Kirchner Geoderma 243-244, 149-156 (2015) |
519 | Post-closure biosphere assessment modelling: comparison of complex and more stylised models Russell C. Walke, Gerald Kirchner, Shulan Xu, Björn Dverstorp Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 148, 50-58 (2015) |
518 | Improving neutron multiplicity counting for the spatial dependence of multiplication: Results for spherical plutonium samples Malte Göttsche, Gerald Kirchner Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 798, 99-106 (2015) |
517 | Neutroneninduzierte hochenergetische Gammasignaturen von U-235, U-238, Pu-239 und Pu-240 Frederik Postelt, O. Schumann, T. Köble, Gerald Kirchner 7. Symposium Nukleare und radiologische Waffen - Technologische Urteilsfähigkeit und nukleare Sicherheit in Deutschland, Fraunhofer Institut Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Trendanalysen, Euskirchen 9.-10.9.2015 (2015) |
516 | Stand und Herausforderungen der nuklearen Abrüstungsverifikation - Eine akademische Perspektive Herausgeber: Gerald Kirchner, Götz Neuneck 7. Symposium Nukleare und radiologische Waffen - Technologische Urteilsfähigkeit und nukleare Sicherheit in Deutschland, Fraunhofer Institut Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Trendanalysen. Euskirchen 9.-10.9.2015 (2015) |
515 | Plutonium characterisation with prompt high energy γ-rays from (n,γ) reactions for nuclear warhead dismantlement verification Frederik Postelt, Gerald Kirchner 79. Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Berlin, 16-20.3.2015. AGA 13.1 (2015) |
514 | Buildup of radioxenon isotopes in MOX assemblies Thomas Gniffke, Gerald Kirchner 79. Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Berlin, 16-20.3.2015, AGA 15.3 (2015) |
513 | Neutron multiplicity counting for warhead authentification: Bias quantification and reduction Malte Göttsche, Gerald Kirchner European Safeguards Research & Development Association 37th Annual Meeting, Manchester, 19.-21.5.2015 (2015) |
512 | Monitoring biological weapon-relevant developments using trade and production information Gunnar Jeremias, Mirko Himmel IAEA Workshop on Advances in Nuclear Procurement Analysis for Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Purposes, Wien 10.6.2015 (2015) |
511 | All optical Atom Trap Trace Analysis of 85Kr: a promising tool for nuclear safeguards Gerald Kirchner Second International Workshop on Trace Applications of Noble Gas Radionuclides in the Geosciences, Heidelberg, 26.-29.3.2015, (eingeladener Vortrag) (2015) |
510 | All-Optical Atom Trap Trace Analyis Apparatus Markus Kohler, Peter Sahling, Christoph Becker, Klaus Sengstock Second international workshop on Tracer Applications of Noble Gas Radionuclides in the Geosciences, Heidelberg, 26.-29.3.2015, (eingeladener Vortrag). (2015) |
509 | Die Regelung biosicherheitsrelevanter Forschung als effektiver Beitrag zur biologischen Rüstungskontrolle? Gunnar Jeremias Ordnung der Wissenschaft 2, 47-54 (2015) |
508 | Biologische Waffen Gunnar Jeremias, Mirko Himmel -/- Herausgeber: Thomas Jäger Handbuch Sicherheitsgefahren. Globale Gesellschaft und internationale Beziehungen 275-285 (2015), Verlag: Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden |
2014 |
507 | Discrimination of Nuclear Explosions against Civilian Sources Based on Atmospheric Radioiodine Isotopic Activity Ratios Martin B. Kalinowski, Yen-Yo Liao, Christoph Pistner Pure and Applied Geophysics 171, 669-676 (2014) |
506 | Isotopic Characterization of Radioiodine and Radioxenon in Releases from Underground Nuclear Explosions with Various Degrees of Fractionation Martin B. Kalinowski, Yen-Yo Liao Pure and Applied Geophysics 171, 677-692 (2014) |
505 | Potential of Spectrum Categorisation Concepts using Radionuclide Ratios for Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Verification Frederik Postelt Pure and Applied Geophysics 171, 693-697 (2014) |
504 | Impact of Monthly Radioxenon Source Time-Resolution on Atmospheric Concentration Predictions Michael Schöppner, Martin B. Kalinowski, Wolfango Plastino, Antonio Budano, Mario de Vincenzi, Anders Ringbom, Federico Ruggieri, Clemens Schlosser Pure and Applied Geophysics 171, 699-705 (2014) |
503 | Global Xenon-133 Emission Inventory Caused by Medical Isotope Production and Derived from the Worldwide Technetium-99m Demand Martin B. Kalinowski, Martina Grosch, Simon Hebel Pure and Applied Geophysics 171, 707-716 (2014) |
502 | Atomfalle zum selektiven Einfang von optisch angeregten Kryptonisotopen Markus Kohler, Peter Sahling, Carsten Sieveke, Simon Hebel, Norman Jerschabek, Niko Lehmkuhl, Christoph Becker, Klaus Sengstock 78. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, 17.-21. März 2014, AGA 8.1 (2014) |
501 | Messverfahren einer Atomfalle zur selektiven Detektion von Kryptonisotopen durch Verwendung von Kr-83 Norman Jerschabek, Markus Kohler, Peter Sahling, Carsten Sieveke, Simon Hebel, Gerald Kirchner, Martin B. Kalinowski, Christoph Becker, Klaus Sengstock 78. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, 17.-21. März 2014, AGA 8.2 (2014) |
500 | Abtrennung einer hochreinen Kryptonfraktion aus kleinen Luftproben für die Kr-85-Messung mit ATTA Simon Hebel 78. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, 17.-21. März 2014, AGA 8.3 (2014) |
499 | Simulationskapazität von Neutronenmultiplizitäten mit MCNPX-PoliMi unter Verwendung thermischer Wirkungsquerschnitte Malte Göttsche, Gerald Kirchner 78. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, 17.-21. März 2014, AGA 9.3 (2014) |
498 | Preparations for negotiations on the noble gas categorization scheme Martin B. Kalinowski, Simon Hebel -/- Herausgeber: Mordechai Melamud, Paul Meerts, I. William Zartman Banning the Bang or the Bomb? Neogotiating the Nuclear Test Ban Regime 270-276 (2014) |
2013 |
497 | Panel Discussion: Disarmament Verification - a Dialogue on Technical and Transparency Issues Malte Göttsche, Götz Neuneck ESARDA Bulletin 50, 124-125 (2013) |
496 |
Identification of fluvial sediment sources in the Kharaa River catchment, Northern Mongolia |
495 |
Theory of Fission Neutron Multiplicities and Implementation in MCNPX-PoliMi |
494 |
Update and improvement of the global krypton-85 emission inventory |
493 | Atmospheric transport modelling of time resolved 133Xe emissions from the isotope production facility ANSTO, Australia Michael Schöppner, Wolfango Plastino, Nikolaus Hermanspahn, Emmy Hoffmann, Martin B. Kalinowski, Blake Orr, Rick Tinker Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 126, 1-7 (2013) |
492 | Endlagerproblematik - Können Partitionierung und Transmutation helfen? Gerhard Schmidt, Gerald Kirchner, Christoph Pistner Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis 22 (3) 52-58 (2013) Alternativer Quellentitel: TATuP - Zeitschrift des ITAS zur Technikfolgenabschätzung |
491 | Concepts for Dismantlement Verification and Neutron Multiplicity Measurements for Plutonium Mass Attribute Determination Malte Göttsche, Paolo Peerani, Gerald Kirchner 35th ESARDA Symposium 2013, Brügge, Belgien 27.-30.5.2013 (2013) |
490 | Potential und Grenzen von Gammaspektrometrie und Neutronenmessungen als Verifikationsinstrumente bei der nuklearen Abrüstung Gerald Kirchner, Malte Göttsche, Martin Weil 6. Symposium "Nukleare und radiologische Waffen - Technologische Urteilsfähigkeit und nukleare Sicherheit in Deutschland", Fraunhofer Institut Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Trendanalysen, Euskirchen 24.-26.9.2013 (2013) |
489 |
Spurenanalysen radioaktiver Edelgase in der Atmosphäre: Analytik, Bedeutung für die Überwachung des Atomwaffen-Teststoppabkommens und Ergebnisse der deutschen CTBTO-Station |
488 |
Atomfalle zum selektiven Einfang von Kryptonisotopen |
487 |
Authentication concept and impact of pit containers on neutron analysis |
486 |
Gammaspektrometrie für Informationsbarrieren |
485 |
Enhancement of Compliance to the BTWC: Novel Tools for an Effective Risk Assessment |
484 |
Analysis of Radioactive Noble Gases in the Atmosphere: A Case Study of Physical Peace Research |
483 |
Vortrag: Key Data from Environmental Monitoring Networks - Challenges by the Fukushima Accident |
482 |
Monitoring compliance relevant data - launch of the Hamburg Research Group's trade monitoring website |
481 |
Recent Advances in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring |
480 |
Global Plutonium Production Capabilities in Civilian Research Reactors |
479 |
Workshop on nuclear weapons and their disarmament. Hamburg, 10 August 2011 |
478 |
Meeting on disarmament verification. Hamburg, 30 September 2011 |
477 |
Das Zentrum für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung (ZNF) nach der Beurlaubung des Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Professors |
476 |
Tätigkeitsbericht des FONAS-Vorstandes für den Zeitraum Oktober 2010 bis September 2011 |
475 |
Radioactivity from Fukushima Dai-ichi in air over Europe; part 1: spatio-temporal analysis |
474 |
Radioactivity from Fukushima Dai-ichi in air over Europe; part 2: what can it tell us about the accident |
473 |
Discrimination of Nuclear Explosions against Civilian Sources Based on Atmospheric Radioiodine Isotopic Activity Ratios |
472 |
Impact of Monthly Radioxenon Source Time-Resolution on Atmospheric Concentration Predictions |
471 |
Isotopic Characterization of Radioiodine and Radioxenon in Releases from Underground Nuclear Explosions with Various Degrees of Fractionation |
470 |
Potential of Spectrum Categorisation Concepts using Radionuclide Ratios for Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Verification |
469 |
Science & Global Security: The Technical Basis for Arms Control, Disarmament, and Nonproliferation Initiatives |
468 |
Germany's current and future plutonium inventory |
467 |
Capability to detect and categorise real and hypothetical atmospheric concentrations of radioxenon for Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verication |
466 |
Entwicklung eines Systems zur Dokumentation eines verifizierten Single-Mode-Betriebs von gitterstabilisierten Diodenlasern für die Atom Trap Trace Analysis (A System for the Verication of the Single Mode Operation of Grating Stabilized Diode Lasers) |
465 |
Verifying Nuclear Weapons Dismantlement: Authentication via Information Barrier & Identity and Integrity Check via Chain-of-custody |
464 |
Civil Society Contributions to Monitoring and Verification of Nuclear Arms Control Treaties |
463 |
Feasibility of Atmospheric Krypton-85 Sampling as a Safeguards Tool for Detecting and Locating Unreported Plutonium Separation |
462 |
Der Reaktorunfall von Fukushima: Unfallablauf, Emissionen und Immissionen |
461 |
Pathways, Impacts, and Policies on Severe Aerosol Injections into the Atmosphere: 2011 Severe Atmospheric Aerosols Events Conference |
460 |
News and Activities |
459 |
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrum für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung der Universität Hamburg. Jahresbericht 2010/2011 |
458 |
Physikalische Singularität von Kernwaffen |
457 |
Managing technology transfers under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention |
456 |
Unfinished Business: Efforts to Define Dual-Use Research of Bioterrorism Concern |
455 |
210Pb as a tool for establishing sediment geochronologies: Examples of potentials and limitations of conventional dating models |
454 |
Characterisation of prompt and delayed atmospheric radioactivity releases from underground nuclear tests at Nevada as a function of release time |
453 |
Depositional rates and dating techniques of modern deposits in the Brno reservoir (Czech Republic) during the last 70 years |
452 |
Uranium Price vs. Cumulative Use |
451 |
Dual-Use Research and Technological Diffusion: Reconsidering the Bioterrorism Threat Spectrum |
450 |
A novel vacuum ultra violet lamp for metastable rare gas experiments |
449 |
Revisiting and Revising the BWC's Confidence-Building Measures |
448 |
Optische Systeme und Konzeptionen für die Ultraspurenanalyse von Krypton-Isotopen (Optical systems and conception for ultra trace analysis of krypton isotopes) |
447 |
Vakuum-Ultra-Violette-Lichtquelle und Konzeptionen für die Ultraspurenanalyse von seltenen Kryptonisotopen |
446 |
Einsatzfähigkeit von Gammadetektoren zum Nachweis des illegalen Transports von durch Containerladung abgeschirmter radioaktiver Substanzen (Applicability of γ detection systems for the detection of illicit transports of radioactive substances in cargo containers shielded by the cargo) |
445 |
An Effectiveness Analysis of Unilateral Climate Policies as a System Dynamic Study of Carbon Leakage on the Example of the Aluminium Industry (Eine Effektivitätsanalyse unilateraler Klimapolitik als System Dynamics Studie von Carbon Leakage am Beispiel der Aluminiumindustrie) |
444 |
Assessment of Global Inventories and Production Capabilities for Plutonium from Civilian Nuclear Reactors |
443 |
Aufbau der computergestützten Steuerung und Datenerfassung für das ATTA-Experiment |
442 |
Chemie und Friedensforschung |
441 |
Fingerprinting of nuclear material for nuclear forensics |
440 |
Simulation of portal monitors to detect illicit trafficking of anthropoenic radioactivity |
439 |
TBP/DBP emissions from reprocessing plants and conversion facilities |
438 |
Classification of uranium ore concentrate samples based on infrared spectroscopy |
437 |
Development of civilian plutonium inventories for different fuel cycle strategies in plutonium handling counties |
436 |
Attributes Information Barrier for Nuclear Warhead Authentication |
435 |
Simulation of Atmospheric Noble Gas Transport to Determine the Accuracy of Locating Unreported Reprocessing |
434 |
Systematic classification of civil contributions to nuclear safeguards |
433 |
Education and Training in Peace Research in Hamburg |
432 |
Contributions of the Scientific Community to CTBT Monitoring and Verification |
431 |
Atmospheric transport modeling and radioxenon analysis methods to distinguish civilian from nuclear explosion signals |
430 |
The Potential of Radionuclide Ratios for Spectrum Categorization Algorithms |
429 |
Neither Safety nor Security Without Cooperation - Control Measures for Biological High Risk Research in EU States |
428 |
Estimation of speciation and distribution of long-lived radionuclides in soils after irrigation with contaminated well water |
427 |
Attribute Information Barrier: Technical issues arising from a multinational approach and dependence on transparency |
426 |
Biosecurity Aspects in Life Science Programmes at German Universities |
425 |
Fact Sheet: Overview on radionuclide detection from nuclear test explosions between 1964 and 1996 |
424 |
News and Activities |
423 |
Verification and Monitoring of International Arms Control Agreements in the 21st Century |
422 |
BioWeapons Monitor 2011 |
421 |
Klimawandel und Konflikte: Versicherheitlichung versus präventive Friedenspolitik? |
420 |
Einleitung: Klimawandel und Konflikte |
419 |
Globaler Klimawandel und Gewaltkonflikte: Befunde und Perspektiven der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung |
418 |
Klimawandel und Konflikte: Was ist die Aufgabe für die Friedens- und Konfliktforschung? |
417 |
Naturwissenschaft, Krieg und Frieden |
416 |
Verifying and Demonstrating Compliance with the BTWC |
415 |
Carbon Leakage of Nuclear Energy - The Example of Germany |
414 |
Verantwortung von Wissenschaft und Forschung in einer globalisierten Welt |
413 |
Zivilgesellschaftliche Beiträge zur Überprüfung nuklearer Rüstungskontrollverträge |
412 |
18th FONAS Expert Discussion in Berlin "Public Health Between Swine Flu and Bioterror" |
411 |
22nd UCS Summer Symposium on Science and World Affairs in Hamburg |
410 |
Auf der Coach. Dialoge über nukleare Abrüstung aus psychologischer Perspektive |
409 |
Nuclear Energy for Climate Change Mitigation? No convincing evidence |
408 |
Observations and modelling of thoron and its progeny in the soil - atmosphere - plant system |
407 |
Introduction to the Topical Volume: Recent Advances in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring |
406 |
Genesis and Equilibrium of Natural Lithospheric Radioxenon and its Influence on Subsurface Noble Gas Samples for CTBT On-site Inspections |
405 |
Environmental Radioxenon Levels in Europe: a Comprehensive Overview |
404 |
Discrimination of Nuclear Explosions against Civilian Sources Based on Atmospheric Xenon Isotopic Activity Ratios |
403 |
Computation and Analysis of the Global Distribution of the Radioxenon Isotope 133Xe based on Emissions from Nuclear Power Plants and Radioisotope Production Facilities and its Relevance for the Verification of the Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty |
402 |
C/O Kerma coefficient ratio for 96 MeV neutrons deduced from microscopic measurements |
401 |
Gute Gründe für Nuklearwaffen? Gespräche mit politischen Akteuren und Akteurinnen |
400 |
Simulation of atmospheric krypton-85 transport to assess the detectability of clandestine nuclear reprocessing |
399 |
Einflüsse von Quellkonfiguration und Modelleigenschaften auf simulierte Konzentrationsfelder |
398 |
Aufbau und Charakterisierung der Lasersysteme zur Erzeugung der Kühlstrahlen für das ATTA-Experiment |
397 |
Lasersystemkomponenten und Plasma-Lampe zur optischen Anregung von Krypton (Laser Setup and Plasma-Lamp for the Optical Excitation of Krypton) |
396 |
Modeling of CO2 Emissions and Uranium Resources |
395 |
Noble gas treatment and emission characteristics of point sources with relevance to undeclared nuclear activities |
394 |
Statement by the Research Group for Biological Arms Control Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Centre for Science and Peace Research at the University of Hamburg, Germany to the Meeting of the States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention 6-10 December 2010 Geneva |
393 |
2009 Reader on Publicly Available CBMs (technical report) |
392 |
2010 Reader on Publicly Available CBMs (technical report) |
391 |
Zusammenstellung der Abstracts zum Workshop "Wege aus der Gewalt", Neue Entwicklungen der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in Hamburg, 12. Februar 2010, IFSH und ZNF |
390 |
Erste Ergebnisse der DPG-Atomteststoppkommission |
389 |
Möglichkeiten der differentiellen SAR-Interferometrie (DInSAR) für die Verifikation des Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) |
388 |
Robustness and conflict potential of CO2 emission scenarios |
387 |
Simulations of atmospheric krypton-85 to assess the detectability of clandestine nuclear reprocessing |
386 |
Simulation of Atmospheric Noble Gas Transport to Assess Sampling Procedures for Locating Unreported Reprocessing |
385 |
Ultra-Trace Analysis of Krypton-85 |
384 |
Limits, rules and the need for transparency in biosecurity research |
383 |
Testing of a portal monitor to detect illicit trafficking of anthropogenic radioactivity in operational field use |
382 |
Decision aiding handbooks for managing contaminated food production systems, drinking water and inhabited areas in Europe |
381 |
Generic guidance on the lifting of countermeasures |
380 |
News and Activities |
379 |
Life-threatening risks from uranium mining and its legacy. How can European nuclear energy usage be taken into accountability? |
378 |
Building Transparency in the World Wide Trade in Biological Dual Use Equipment |
377 |
BioWeapons Monitor 2010 |
376 |
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrum für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung (ZNF). Jahresbericht 2009 |
375 |
Recent Advances in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring |
374 |
Uranium Price vs. Cumulative Use |
373 |
Modeling of CO2 Emissions and Uranium Resources |
372 |
Dialogue on nuclear disarmament with decision makers |
371 |
Gesundheit, Krankheit, Sicherheit - Eine unübersichtliche Beziehung |
370 |
Plutoniumherstellern mit Spurengasen auf der Spur |
369 |
Wandel der deutschen und US-amerikanischen Verteidigungsstategien im Hinblick auf Weltweite Naturresourcen und Energiereserven |
368 |
Report on Kr-85 sampling for detection of clandestine nuclear weapons usable materials production. Locatability and cost estimate |
367 |
Students simulated negotiations on a Nuclear Weapons Convention |
366 |
Civil Society's Contribution to CTBT Verification |
365 |
Biosecurity policies at international life science journals |
364 |
Successes and Failures of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty |
363 |
Workshop on Environmental Monitoring |
362 |
Science Policy on International Security Issues at the Royal Society |
361 |
The Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Centre for Science and Peace Research |
360 |
Teaching ethics and peace to science and engineering students: An international workshop at University of Hamburg 15-17 October 2008 |
359 |
Global radioxenon emission inventory based on nuclear power reactor reports |
358 |
Use of reference biospheres for proving the long-term safety of radioactive waste repositories ? (Letter to the editor) |
357 |
A new approach to estimate nuclide ratios from measurements with activities close to background |
356 |
Vertical migration of radionuclides in undisturbed grassland soils |
355 |
Regulating the Worldwide Transfer and Use of Biological Dual-Use Goods: Monitoring the Trade of Biological Dual-Use Items |
354 |
Explosion statt Erdbeben. Fakten zum zweiten nordkoreanischen Kernwaffentest |
353 |
Akusto-optische Modulatoren, Magnetfelder und Polarisationsmessungen für die Spurengasanalyse von Kryptonisotopen mit einer magneto-optischen Atomfalle |
352 |
Anwendung der differentiellen SAR-Interferometrie auf Nukleartestgebiete zur Verifikation des Comprehensive-Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) |
351 |
Capability to determine shielding around radioactive substances using γ ray spectrometry |
350 |
Entwicklung optischer Elemente für das Atom Trap Trace Analysis Experiment zur Spurengasanalyse von Kryptonisotopen |
349 |
Gute Gründe für Nuklearwaffen? Rekonstruktion persönlicher Argumentationssysteme politischer Akteure im Sicherheitsdiskurs |
348 |
Rezenter und zukünftiger Meeresspiegelanstieg und die Folgen für die Internationale Sicherheit. Schriftliche Ausarbeitung eines Seminarvortrages im Rahmen des Seminars "Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung" am Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrum für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung (ZNF) |
347 |
Fakten zu dem israelischen Luftangriff gegen einen angeblichen syrischen Nuklear-Reaktor. Schriftliche Ausarbeitung eines Seminarvortrages im Rahmen des Seminars "Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung" am Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrum für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung (ZNF) |
346 |
Environmental Measurements and Non-State Monitoring of Nuclear Treaties - A Case Study on North Korea - |
345 |
Ethische Normen für eine zukünftigen Generationen gegenüber moralisch vertretbare (End-)Lagerung hochradioaktiver Abfälle |
344 |
Risk distribution of the nuclear fuel cycle according to local and global collective radiation doses in the presence and for future generations (Risikoverteilung des nuklearen Brennstoffkreislaufes gemäß lokalen und globalen kollektiven Strahlungsdosen in der Gegenwart und für zukünftige Generationen) |
343 |
Satellite Remote Sensing and Monitoring of Nuclear Treaties by Non-State Actors - A Case Study on Iran - |
342 |
Statement to the 2009 Meeting of the States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention, 7. December 2009 |
341 |
Gefahren-Szenarien der Freisetzung von Plutonium durch einen erfolgten Abschuss mit einem Raketenabwehrsystem |
340 |
Detectability of unreported nuclear reprocessing analysed by atmospheric krypton-85 modelling |
339 |
Detectibility of Krypton-85 Sources |
338 |
Improving the understanding of the global distribution of the Radioxenon background caused by known civilian emissions and its consequences for CTBT verification |
337 |
Preparations for negotiations on the noble gas categorization scheme |
336 |
Civil Society's Contribution to CTBT Verification |
335 |
Civil sources of atmospheric radioxenon: estimating emission strengths |
334 |
Discrimination of nuclear explosions against civilian sources based on atmospheric xenon isotopic activity ratios |
333 |
Natural lithospheric radioxenon background in soil gas samples |
332 |
The Barometric Driven Xenon-Tracer Transport of the Non-Proliferation Experiment Simulated By Finite Volume - Finite Element Higher-Order Accurate Modeling |
331 |
Using differential SAR-Interferometry for locating ground zero |
330 |
Detectability of clandestine nuclear reprocessing analysed by atmospheric krypton-85 modelling |
329 |
Krypton-85 source term for various plutonium production schemes |
328 |
Proliferation risks of highly enriched uranium used for medical isotope production |
327 |
Raising Biopreparedness levels in Europe - Expert's Report: Towards an all-hazards approach? |
326 |
Nukleare Verifikation versagt und doch so stark wie nie zuvor? |
325 |
Faktenbogen: CO2-Emissionen vs. Kernenergieanteil |
324 |
Factsheet: Climate related incidents at nuclear power plants |
323 |
Fact Sheet: Second nuclear test conducted by North Korea on 25 May 2009 |
322 |
News and Activities |
321 |
News and Activities |
320 |
The GSE and the Negotiations for the CTBT in the Historical Context of the International Scientific and Political Process of Nuclear Arms Control |
319 |
Update of the global krypton-85 emission inventory |
318 |
CBRN Threats and the Economic Analysis of Terrorism |
317 |
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrum für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung (ZNF) der Universität Hamburg. Jahresbericht 2008 |
316 |
Biological weapons as a public health issue |
315 |
Factsheet: Bioterrorism |
314 |
CBRN Threats and the Economic Analysis of Terrorism |
313 |
Erfahrungsberichte von Betreuern aus den Disziplinen: Physik, Astronomie |
312 |
Kernwaffen in unsicheren Händen die Proliferation von Kernwaffen und internationale Anstrengungen zu deren Nichtverbreitung |
311 |
Verification of a Ban on Tritium Production for Weapons |
310 |
Remote environmental sampling for the detection of clandestine nuclear weapons production and testing |
309 |
Environmental Sample Analysis |
308 |
Uncertainties in radioecological assessment models - Their nature and approaches to reduce them |
307 |
Restricting the role of biosecurity |
306 |
The Complexity of CTBT Verification. Taking Noble Gas Monitoring as an Example |
305 |
Detecting Atmospheric UF6 and HF as Indicators for Uranium Enrichment |
304 |
Challenges to the BWC, and Some Reasons for Optimism |
303 |
Das iranische Exempel und die Zukunft nuklearer Nichtverbreitung |
302 |
Nuclide ratios and source identification of high-resolution γ ray spectra using a Bayesian point of view |
301 |
Hoffnung auf verbesserte Verifikation. Spaltmaterialproduktion und Teststopp |
300 |
Das iranische Exempel. Die Zukunft nuklearer Nichtverbreitung |
299 |
Biowaffen auf dem Vormarsch? Die Folgen von Verifikationsmangel und biotechnologischer Revolution |
298 |
Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung von Laserstrahlung mit Strukturelementen von Raumflugkörpern |
297 |
85Kr Signatures of different plutonium production schemes (85Kr Signaturen für verschiedene Plutoniumproduktionsszenarien) |
296 |
Lithospheric Radioxenon and its influence on the interpretation of on-site inspection measurements verifying the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty |
295 |
Spurenanalyse von Kryptonisotopen: Frequenzstabilisierung eines Lasersystems für Atom Trap Trace Analysis und Edelgasprobenahme |
294 |
Automatisierte Analyse von Fernerkundungsdaten für umfangreiche Monitoring-Aufgaben im Rahmen nuklearer Safeguards |
293 |
Uranium Mining and its Ecological Consequences. Elaboration for the Seminar "Energy, Climate, Security", University of Hamburg, Winterterm 2007/2008 |
292 |
Complications of the Medical Radioisotope Production for the Non-proliferation Regime |
291 |
Statement to the 2008 Meeting of the States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, 1-5 December 2008, Geneva |
290 |
CBM Reader on Publicly Available CBMs 2008 |
289 |
CBM Reader on Publicly Available CBMs 2006 and 2007 |
288 |
Nuclear safeguards for future fusion reactors |
287 |
Tritiumbilanzierung zur Überprüfung der Nichtweiterverbreitung im Fusionsreaktor ITER |
286 |
Influence of natural lithospheric radioxenon background on CTBT-compliant subsurface noble gas samples |
285 |
Modelling of Radionuclide Migration after Underground Nuclear Explosions by Barometric Pumping |
284 |
Application of the isotopic ratio based method for discrimination between nuclear tests and nuclear reactors on various data sets |
283 |
Global radioxenon emission inventory in support of CTBT monitoring |
282 |
The Airborne Laser - Assessment of a High Energy Laser project |
281 |
Modelling of global atmospheric Krypton-85 concentrations for detection of unreported nuclear reprocessing |
280 |
Implications of medical isotope production on nuclear arms control |
279 |
One environmental monitoring strategy for emergency situations is enough |
278 |
Environmental Protection against ionising radiation - a proposal to refine the conceptual basis of the ERICA approach |
277 |
Detection of Clandestine Nuclear Weapons Production and Testing by Analysing Air Samples |
276 |
Discussion of Martin Kalinowski's Lecture [Detection of Clandestine Nuclear Weapons Production and Testing by Analysing Air Samples] |
275 |
Report on the Fifth Session - Safe Fuel Supply for Civilian Nuclear Power Stations and the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation II |
274 |
Report on the Sixth Session - Detection of Clandestine Nuclear Activities |
273 |
Report on the Seventh Session - The Risk of Nuclear Terrorism |
272 |
News and Activities |
271 |
News and Activities |
270 |
We're all responsible for biosecurity |
269 |
Evaluation von Dialogen und Gesprächen über Nuklearwaffen zwischen Hamburger Studierenden, Ärzten der IPPNW, Politikern und Diplomaten |
268 |
Gefahren-Szenarien der Freisetzung von Plutonium durch einen erfolgten Abschuss mit einem Raketenabwehrsystem |
267 |
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrum für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung. Jahresbericht 2007 |
266 |
In Hamburg wächst etwas: Das Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrum für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung (ZNF) |
265 |
New developments in the Verification of Nuclear Arms Control |
264 |
50 Jahre nach der Göttinger Erklärung. Nukleare Nichtverbreitung in Deutschland |
263 |
Modelling Pressure Response and Propagation of the Concentration Front of Tracers indicating Underground Nuclear Explosions induced by Barometric Pumping |
262 |
Tritiumbilanzierung im Fusionsreaktor ITER |
261 |
Vorbereitungen zum Aufbau einer magneto-optischen Atomfalle zur Atom Trap Trace Analysis von Kryptonisotopen |
260 |
Safe final nuclear waste disposal and reprocessing as supposed alternative |
259 |
Statement to the Meeting of the States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, 10-14 December 2007, Geneva |
258 |
Some Thoughts on the Usefulness of Codes of Conduct |
257 |
"We can work it out" - Common Non-Proliferation Efforts in the European Union |
256 |
Modelling krypton-85 distribution in the troposphere |
255 |
Education on Nuclear Safeguards for European Nuclear Engineering Students |
254 |
Possible Amendments of the Nomenclature |
253 |
Environmental protection against ionizing radiation - the challenge of an umbrella concept |
252 |
First version of a global inventory of radioxenon emissions from nuclear power plants |
251 |
Verification of Underground Nuclear Tests by Atmospheric Pumping |
250 |
Atom- Trap- Trace- Analysis (ATTA) |
249 |
Migration of Noble Gas Tracer of Underground Nuclear Explosion |
248 |
Nachruf auf Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker (1912-2007) "Die Atombombe enthüllt die politische Verantwortung der Wissenschaft" |
247 |
News and Activities |
246 |
Strengthening the BWC's Confidence Building Measure Regime: A Catalogue of Recommendations |
245 |
Neither Here Nor There: Disease Outbreak Data in the Confidence Building Measures under the Biological Weapons Convention and in Open Sources |
244 |
Konsequenzen aus den Ambivalenzen in der Erklärung vom 12. April 1957: Was müßte eine Göttinger Erklärung heute fordern? |
243 |
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrum für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung. Jahresbericht 2006 |
242 |
Securing Our Survival (SOS). The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention. The Updated Model Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Testing, Production, Stockpiling, Transfer, Use and Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons and on their Elimination |
241 |
More Transparency for a Secure Biodefense |
240 |
Biologische Waffen und Rüstungskontrolle |
239 |
Nukleare Nichtverbreitung in Deutschland 50 Jahre nach der Göttinger Erklärung |
238 |
Der Krieg mit chemischen Kampfstoffen |
237 |
Zur Eröffnung des Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrums für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung (Festschrift) |
236 |
Ziele und Arbeitsweise des Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrums für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung (ZNF) |
235 |
New developments in the verification of nuclear arms control |
234 |
Detection of Clandestine Fissile Material Production |
233 |
Behaviour of radionuclides in soil/crop systems following contamination |
232 |
BWC 2006: Building Transparency Through Confidence-Building Measures |
231 |
Ein Messfehler - 10 Bomben |
230 |
Confidence-building needs transparency: an analysis of the BTWC's confidence-building measures |
229 |
When risk outweighs benefit: Dual-use research needs a scientifically sound risk-benefit analysis and legally binding biosecurity measures |
228 |
Die Schere klafft immer weiter auseinander |
227 |
Ethics of reconstructing Spanish Flu: Is it wise to resurrect a deadly virus? |
226 |
Closing the nuclear safeguards gap |
225 |
Iran's Nuclear Programme-civilian or military? Dual-use brings about irreconcilable positions and a dangerous dynamic of escalation |
224 |
Measurements of Krypton-85 to Detect Clandestine Plutonium Production |
223 |
Global Modeling of Atmospheric Krypton-85 Concentrations |
222 |
Atmospheric Krypton-85 Transport Modelling for Verification Purposes |
221 |
Analysis and Interpretation of the North Korean Nuclear Test |
220 |
Isotopic signature of atmospheric xenon released from light water reactors |
219 |
Ecological half-lives of 90Sr and 137Cs in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems |
218 |
Paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on geochemical parameters from annually laminated sediments of Sacrower See (Northeastern Germany) since the 17th century |
217 |
Risks of resurrecting 1918 flu virus outweigh benefits (Correspondence) |
216 |
Starke Indizien: Alles deutet auf einen Teilerfolg des nordkoreanischen Nukleartests vom 9. Oktober 2006 |
215 |
Folgerungen aus dem nordkoreanischen Nukleartest |
214 |
Establishing a chronology for lacrustine sediments using a multiple dating approach - A case study from the Frickenhauser See, Central Germany |
213 |
Harnessing Global Trade Data for Biological Arms Control |
212 |
Das Nuklearprogramm des Iran - zivil oder militärisch? |
211 |
Statement to the Sixth Review Conference of the States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention |
210 |
Imaging the global atmospheric distribution of radio-xenon. Contribution for interpreting analysis results of noble gas monitoring |
209 |
Proposals on mobility and knowledge transfer in the international CTBT experts community |
208 |
Confidence-building needs transparency: an analysis of the BTWC's confidence-building measures |
207 |
Comparative evaluation of different approaches to environmental protection against ionizing radiation in view of practicability and consistency |
206 |
Natürliche Strahlenexposition - oder von der Diskrepanz zwischen Risiko und Risikowahrnehmung |
205 |
News and Activities |
204 |
News and Activities |
203 |
Transparency in past offensive biological weapon programmes: An analysis of Confidence Building Measure Form F 1992-2003 |
202 |
Aerial Surveillance and BWC Compliance Monitoring |
201 |
Die Zukunft der biologischen Rüstungskontrolle - Transatlantischer Dissens. |
200 |
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Verification |
199 |
Environmental Sample Analysis |
198 |
Beyond the NPT. The Transformation of the Nuclear Control Regime to a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World |
197 |
A new compilation of the atmospheric 85krypton inventories from 1945 to 2000 and its evaluation in a global transport model |
196 |
Strategies to optimise the interaction between decision supporting systems and monitoring programmes |
195 |
Synergism in emergency preparedness for nuclear accidents and terrorist attacks: a German perspective |
194 |
Ecological half-lives of 90Sr and 137Cs in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems |
193 |
Principles for the control of exposures to radon in dwellings - Conception for a national radon programme in Germany |
192 |
News and Activities |
191 |
Confidence building needs transparency. A summary of data submitted under the Bioweapons Convention's confidence building measures. 1987-2003 |
190 |
Biowaffen-Inspektionen im Irak |
189 |
Politische Handlungsmöglichkeiten zur Kontrolle biologischer Waffen |
188 |
Biowaffenkontrolle in einer multipolaren Welt. Zur Funktion von Vertrauen in internationalen Beziehungen |
187 |
Realistische Ermittlung der natürlichen Strahlenexposition in Deutschland |
186 |
Mikrobiologische Forschung: Die Terror-Angst und ihre Folgen. Im Kampf gegen den Bioterrorismus haben insbesondere die USA ihre Gesetzgebung verschärft - mit negativen Auswirkungen auch auf den deutschen Wissenschaftsbetrieb |
185 |
Ohne Vertrauen keine Kontrolle. Zur Rolle der Vertrauensbildung in der Evolution des Biowaffen-Kontrollregimes |
184 |
Modelling the vertical distribution of radionuclides in soil. Part 1: the convection-dispersion equation revisited |
183 |
Conclusions on plutonium separation from atmospheric krypton-85 measured at various distances from the Karlsruhe reprocessing plant |
182 |
Averting the hostile use of biomedical research. Current proposals aren't good enough |
181 |
Lichens as indicators of tritium and radiocarbon contamination |
180 |
Nuclear Arms Race and Arms Control at the Beginning of the 21st Century |
179 |
Rüstungsexportkontrolle für chemische und biologische Waffen. Anknüpfungspunkte für ein Exportmonitoring |
178 |
International Control of Tritium for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament |
177 |
Atmospheric transport modelling in support of CTBT verification - Overview and basic concepts |
176 |
Als Physiker in einer internationalen Organisation |
175 |
Modelling the migration of radionuclides in soils |
174 |
Bericht der Expertenkommission zur Frage der Gefährdung durch Strahlung in früheren Radareinrichtungen der Bundeswehr und der NVA (Radarkommission) |
173 |
Radioactivity in the Soil-Plant System |
172 |
Der Transferfaktor Boden ! Pflanze: Ein provokativer Rückblick auf 30 Jahre Datensammlung |
171 |
The potential of lichens as long-term biomonitors of natural and artificial radionuclides |
170 |
BWC Conference Fails. What Needs To Be Done Next? |
169 |
Some Thoughts on Biodefense Research |
168 |
Editorial |
167 |
Environmental processes affecting plant root uptake of radioactive trace elements and variability of soil-to-plant transfer data: a review |
166 |
Radionuclide Monitoring for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty |
165 |
Prediction of the effects of soil-based countermeasures on soil solution chemistry of soils contaminated with radiocesium using the hydrogeochemical code PHREEQC |
164 |
The German plutonium balance, 1968-1999 |
163 |
Richter und Gasmasken reichen nicht. Die USA und das Problem der Biowaffen |
162 |
Modelling the transport of radionuclides in soils: a review |
161 |
Predicting the soil-solution interaction of radiocesium and of radiostrontium using PHREEQC |
160 |
Scientific Experts for Complete Nuclear Disarmament |
159 |
Atmospheric transport modelling related to radionuclide monitoring in support of Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verification |
158 |
Modeling the soil solution chemistry of radiocesium and -strontium using the hydrogeochemical code PHREEQC |
157 |
Observations and modeling of radon and thoron daughters in the soil-atmosphere-plant system |
156 |
Space Use And Ethics |
155 |
Confidence-building measures for the BTWC: Performance and potential |
154 |
Zum Einfluß von Fulvosäuren auf die Radionuklid-Verlagerung in Böden |
153 |
Umweltkreisläufe der Radionuklide aus der Kernenergie |
152 |
Direkte Beobachtung schneller Fließvorgänge in Böden mit verschiedenen Makroporen-Konfigurationen |
151 |
Column experiments for studying the migration of fulvic acids in soils |
150 |
Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons |
149 |
Tracer experiments as a basis for modeling the transport of water and solutes in soils with macropores |
148 |
Diffusion and diffusion-convection experiments for studying the sorption of radionuclides in soils |
147 |
Ist die Zeit reif für die Nuklearwaffenkonvention? |
146 |
Outline of a Comprehensive Cut-off Convention |
145 |
Effect of user interpretation on uncertainty estimates: examples from the air-to-milk transfer of radiocesium |
144 |
Performance assessment studies of models for water flow and radionuclide transport in vegetated soils using lysimeter data |
143 |
Source detection and separation of tomographic artifacts in nuclear medicine imaging using the concept of weighted scaling indices |
142 |
Soil-to-plant transfer of strontium: another test of the observed ratio model using data from field experiments |
141 |
Simulation der Ausbreitung von Wasser und darin gelösten Stoffen in Agroökosystemen: Der Opus-Code |
140 |
Quantifizierung des Einflusses von Makroporen auf den Feuchtetransport in räumlich anisotropen Böden |
139 |
Security and Survival. The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention |
138 |
Quelldetektion in der medizinischen Bildgebung durch Applikation von gewichteten Komplexitätsmaßen |
137 |
Countermeasures: Environmental and Socio-Economic Responses - A Long-Term Evaluation |
136 |
Has the time come for the Nuclear Weapons Convention? |
135 |
The CESER Decision Support System |
134 |
Modeling the migration of fallout radionuclides in soil using a transfer function model |
133 |
Steps towards a Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East |
132 |
Qualitative Disarmament by Tritium Control. A linkage between nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation within a cut-off agreement |
131 |
Agreement reached on international guidelines for the management of plutonium (News) |
130 |
Fissile Materials, Controls, Inventory and IAEA Safeguards Towards universal, comprehensive and transparent accountancy, safeguarding and disposition of military and civilian fissile materials. NGO Statement to NPT PrepCom in Geneva |
129 |
A German Plutonium Balance for the Past 30 Years |
128 |
Sediment geochronology in changing coastal environments: potentials and limitations of the 137Cs and 210Pb methods |
127 |
Applicability of compartmental models for simulating the transport of radionuclides in soil |
126 |
Accumulation of 210Pb, 226Ra and radioactive cesium by fungi |
125 |
Internationale Richtlinien für das Management von Plutonium |
124 |
Predictive models in environmental assessment: assessment of the models |
123 |
A numerical model for simulating unsteady unsaturated flow in three-dimensional heterogeneous porous media |
122 |
Quelldetektion und Bildsegmentierung in der medizinisch-biologischen Bildverarbeitung durch Anwendung von gewichteten isotropen Skalierungsindizes |
121 |
Integrated long-term management of radioactively contaminated Land: the CESER project |
120 |
Modelle zur Simulation des Transports radioaktiver Spurenstoffe in Böden: Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen |
119 |
Modellierung des Transports radioaktiver Spurenstoffe in der ungesättigten Bodenzone |
118 |
Direct observation of water flow and transport in soil macropores |
117 |
Integrating environmental and socio-economic impacts into countermeasure decision making |
116 |
Modeling transient transport processes of water and radionuclides in unsaturated soils: the OPUS code |
115 |
Potentials and limitations of models for simulating the migration of radionuclides in soils |
114 |
Charakterisierung räumlich inhomogener Transportprozesse in der ungesättigten Bodenzone mit einer Anger-Kamera |
113 |
Möglichkeiten der Dosisreduktion in der nuklearmedizinischen Diagnostik durch Komplexitätsanalysen in geeigneten Zustandsräumen des Szintigramms |
112 |
Transportprozesse von Wasser und Spurenstoffen in terrestrischen Ökosystemen |
111 |
Rückschließbarkeit auf Plutoniumabtrennungen durch Auswertung von Messungen des atmosphärischen Krypton-85 in Wochenproben bei verschiedenen Abständen von der Wiederaufarbeitungsanlage Karlsruhe |
110 |
Energy Supply for Deep Space Missions |
109 |
Langfristlagerung hochradioaktiver Abfälle als Aufgabe ethischer Urteilsbildung |
108 |
Beyond technical verification - Transparency, verification, and preventive control for the Nuclear Weapons Convention |
107 |
Cut-off in the NPT review process - Does a cut-off agreement offer a leverage to overcome the current deadlock between complete nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation? |
106 |
Fissile Cutoff: Overcoming the Disarmament Deadlock |
105 |
Krypton-85 as Indicator for Plutonium Separation |
104 |
Beyond Technical Verification. Integrated Prevention and Detection of Diversion of Special Nuclear Material in the Nuclear Weapons Convention |
103 |
Challenges and Opportunities for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World. Third Conference of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation (INESAP) September 8-10, 1997, Fudan University, Shanghai, China |
102 |
INESAP 1997 Conference Session Reports. Session 1a - Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC) |
101 |
INESAP 1997 Conference Session Reports. Session 5.b - Future perspectives for the cut-off agreement |
100 |
Vertical migration of fallout 137Cs in agricultural soils from Southern Chile |
99 |
Der neue Überprüfungsprozeß für den Nichtverbreitungsvertrag |
98 |
3. Internationale Tagung des INESAP |
97 |
Handlungsbedarf - Hier und jetzt! Deutschlands Beitrag zur kernwaffenfreien Welt |
96 |
Monte-Carlo Simulationen und Experimente zum zerstörungsfreien Nachweis von Lithium-6. Physikalische Fragen der Tritiumkontrolle |
95 |
Measurements and modelling of atmospheric krypton-85 as indicator for plutonium separation |
94 |
Simulating the transport of radionuclides in soils: which model(s) to choose ? |
93 |
Modellierung des Transports radioaktiver Spurenstoffe in Böden mittels Transferfunktionen |
92 |
Visualisierung von Bypass-Fluß in der ungesättigten Bodenzone mit Hilfe einer Gamma-Kamera |
91 |
Alternative Berufsfindung für Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften. Ein Hand- und Lesebuch. 2. verb. Aufl. |
90 |
Perspektiven der nuklearen Abrüstung (Beitrag zum Expertengespräch des Unterausschusses für Abrüstung und Rüstungskontrolle des Deutschen Bundestages am 29. Oktober 1997) |
89 |
Subcritical Tests |
88 |
Framework for participation, membership and decision making of INESAP (discussion draft) |
87 |
Virtual Nuclear Tests: Can the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty be Circumvented by Computer Simulations? |
86 |
BWC Review and INES Working Group |
85 |
German Plutonium For US Tritium Production |
84 |
Seasonal variations of soil-to-grass transfer of fallout strontium and cesium and of potassium in North German soils |
83 |
Recherche d'eléments radioactifs naturels dans quelques lichens foliaces |
82 |
Modified diffusion technique for studying nonlinear and kinetic sorption and desorption processes |
81 |
Subkritische unterirdische Tests. Eine neue Untergrabung des Umfassenden Teststoppvertrages? |
80 |
Virtuelle Atomtests. Wird der Teststoppvertrag per Computer umgangen? |
79 |
Long-term consequences of nuclear accidents: factors influencing soil-to-plant transfer |
78 |
Computersimulationen und subkritische Kernwaffentests |
77 |
Virtual Nuclear Tests - Can the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty be Circumvented by Computer Simulations? |
76 |
Kriterien für Ganzwelt- und Zukunftsorientierung |
75 |
Sorption/desorption processes of cesium and strontium in soil: Is the Kd-concept adequate ? |
74 |
The Response to Coastal Forcing: Depositional Records from Salt Marshes on the West Coast of Ireland |
73 |
Proposal for a Comprehensive Cutoff including civilian weapon-usable material |
72 |
A Cut-off Agreement: Issues of Scope and Verification |
71 |
International Control of Tritium to Prevent Horizontal Proliferation and to Foster Nuclear Disarmament |
70 |
Das Tauziehen um den Nichtverbreitungsvertrag. Festschreibung des Kernwaffenstatus oder Erfüllung der Abrüstungsverpflichtungen? |
69 |
Nachhaltige Abrüstung umfaßt alle Kernwaffenmaterialien. Zum Produktions- und Nutzungsstopp waffengrädiger Materialien |
68 |
Wissenschaft für eine atomwaffenfreie Welt. Friedensnobelpreis für Pugwash und Joseph Rotblat |
67 |
Laboratory studies on the sorption behavior of fallout radionuclides in mineral soils |
66 |
Diffusionsexperimente: Ein elegantes Verfahren zum Studium der Sorptionsprozesse von Spurenstoffen mit Boden oder Gestein |
65 |
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des gammaspektrometrischen Nachweises von Plutonium |
64 |
Boden-Gras-Transfer von Cäsium und Strontium: Einfluß saisonaler und klimatischer Faktoren |
63 |
Satellite Remote Sensing and Monitoring of Environmental Radioactivity for Verification of Non-Proliferation and Complete Nuclear Disarmament |
62 |
The Impact of Climate and Sea Level Changes on Salt Marsh Regions of The German North Sea Coast |
61 |
Transport of iodine and cesium via the grass-cow-milk pathway after the Chernobyl accident |
60 |
An Agenda for INESAP |
59 |
No mention of tritium in Gore Chernomyrdin Agreement |
58 |
Report from Geneva |
57 |
Uncertainty and alternatives in technology assessment studies: tritium emissions from proposed fusion power reactors |
56 |
Soil-to-grass transfer and downward migration of Cs and Sr in a peat soil |
55 |
Nachweis von natürlichen radioaktiven Elementen in Eßpilzen |
54 |
Soil-to-grass-transfer of 90Sr, 134Cs and 137Cs in four North German soils |
53 |
Uncertainty and Range of Alternatives in Estimating Tritium Emissions from Proposed Fusion Power Reactors and their Radiological Impact |
52 |
Laboratory studies on the sorption behavior of fallout radionuclides in agriculturally used soils |
51 |
Teststopp in den USA. Der Widerstand der A-Waffen-Lobby |
50 |
Los Alamos im Umbruch? Grenzen und Umgehungsversuche von Kernwaffenteststopp und Forschungskonversion in den USA |
49 |
Nukleare Nonproliferation - eine naturwissenschaftliche Betrachtung |
48 |
Environmental impacts of nuclear installations calculated using the German food chain model ’AVV zu §45 StrlSchV’ with decay chains taken into account |
47 |
Modellierung radioökologischer Transportprozesse als Markov-Kette: Vorgehensweise und Ergebnisse am Beispiel des Gras-Kuh-Milch-Pfads |
46 |
Der lineare Verteilungskoeffizient: kann er das Sorptionsverhalten von Radionukliden in Böden adäquat beschreiben ? |
45 |
Transfer von 90Sr, 134Cs und 137Cs vom Boden in Gras auf Böden Norddeutschlands |
44 |
Tritium Emissions from Proposed Fusion Power Reactors and Their Radiological Impact. Comparison of Results and Treatment of Uncertainty and Range of Alternative in Consequent Assessment Studies |
43 |
Stellungnahme zu aktuellen Problemen der nuklearen Non-Proliferation aus naturwissenschaftlicher Blickrichtung / Present problems of nuclear non-proliferation (and nuclear disarmament) from a natural scientists point of view List of thesis, problems, and proposals |
42 |
Lassen sich ziviler und militärischer Kontext kernwaffenrelevanter Materialien trennen? Das Beispiel Tritium |
41 |
Migration rates of radionuclides deposited after the Chernobyl accident in various North German soils |
40 |
A method for modeling the transfer of radionuclides deposited after the Chernobyl accident via the grass-cow-milk-pathway |
39 |
Modellierung des Jod- und Caesium-Transfers über den Gras-Kuh-Milch-Pfad nach dem Reaktorunfall von Tschernobyl |
38 |
Modeling the transfer of iodine and cesium via the grass-cow-milk pathway after the Chernobyl accident |
37 |
Modeling of the transfer of iodine and cesium via the grass-cow-milk pathway after the Chernobyl accident |
36 |
Soil-to-grass transfer of 90Sr, 134Cs and 137Cs in three North German soils as observed during the years 1990 and 1991 |
35 |
Die Problematik der Tritiumemissionen aus einem Endlager für radioaktive Abfalle |
34 |
Why and How Tritium Should be Considered Under a Verified Cutoff of Fissile Materials Production |
33 |
Sustainability Requires Substantial Commitments from the Industrialized Countries |
32 |
Tritium. Ein Bombenstoff rückt ins Blickfeld von Nichtweiterverbreitung und nuklearer Abrüstung |
31 |
Reactivity effects of oil contamination in the primary cooling loop of a sodium-cooled fast reactor |
30 |
Transfer of 131I and 137Cs deposited after the Chernobyl accident via the grass-cow-milkpathway and comparison with parameters in use with food chain models |
29 |
Minimale Compartment-Modelle zur Beschreibung des Jod- und Cäsium-Transfers über den Gras-Kuh-Milch-Pfad |
28 |
Zur Rolle dynamischer radioökologischer Modelle bei der Vorhersage störfallbedingter Strahlenexpositionen am Beispiel des Gras-Kuh-Milch-Pfads |
27 |
Die Kontrolle der militärischen Nutzung von Tritium |
26 |
National Regulations of Accounting for and Control of Tritium |
25 |
Fusionsenergie - Sichere und ökologisch verträgliche Energie der Zukunft? |
24 |
A new hazard index for the determination of risk potentials of disposed radioactive wastes |
23 |
Effect of including decay chains on predictions of equilibrium-type terrestrial food chain models |
22 |
Distribution of fallout nuclides of strontium, cesium and plutonium in North German soils |
21 |
Monitoring of artificial radionuclides in the coastal environment of the Channel Islands |
20 |
Zur Sicherheit von Transporten radioaktiver Stoffe auf dem Gebiet der Stadt Saarbrücken |
19 |
Technical Problems with Safeguarding Tritium |
18 |
Technologische Möglichkeiten des Irak für eine Kernwaffe |
17 |
Potentials and limitations of hazard indices for the determination of risk potentials of disposed toxic wastes |
16 |
Analysis of transport of Chernobyl fallout nuclides through the pasture-cow-milk food chain using a time-dependent model |
15 |
Verwendbarkeit und Produktion von Tritum für Kernwaffenprogramme |
14 |
Nuclear Weapons Uses of Tritium and Multilateral Control Measures |
13 |
Collection efficiency of aerosol particles by raindrops |
12 |
Core history and nuclide inventory of the Chernobyl core at the time of accident |
11 |
Estimation of the nuclide inventory of the Chernobyl core at the time of accident |
10 |
Activity levels in air and ground in the region of Bremen after the Chernobyl accident |
9 |
Neuere Meßergebnisse nach dem Reaktorunfall von Tschernobyl für die Region Bremen |
8 |
Erfahrungen und Folgerungen aus dem Reaktorunfall von Tschernobyl aus der Sicht des Bundeslandes Bremen |
7 |
Calculation of the nuclide inventory of the Chernobyl core at the time of accident |
6 |
Auswirkungen der Wiederaufarbeitungsanlage Wackersdorf auf die Stadt Salzburg und ihre Bürger |
5 |
Dose Estimation for the population living in the area of Bremen after the Chernobyl accident and the grade of possible late effects |
4 |
Ein neuer Toxizitätsindex zur Ermittlung des Gefährdungspotentials endgelagerter radioaktiver Abfälle |
3 |
Radioactivity levels in environmental samples from the Sellafield area / Cumbria, GB |
2 |
Veränderungen des Inventars radioaktiver Stoffe in Reaktorbrennstoff aus Uran beim Übergang zu höheren Abbränden und Bestimmung wichtiger Auswirkungen |
1 |
Applications of mass predictions to isotope abundances in breeder reactor cores |